We’re very pleased to announce that OzPlayer is being made available for free use. You can host your videos directly from a CDN or from YouTube. If you are a not-for-profit / charity with a budget less than $1 million (US) then you can use OzPlayer for free, for as many videos as you like. Also if your site has less than 10 videos then you can also use OzPlayer for free.
A few things to note:
- it’s not open source or public domain software: we retain ownership and you don’t get the source code
- you have to use the copy we’ve put on our CDN
- there’s a logo at the top-right of the video
If you need to remove the logo or use the software commercially for more than ten videos, you can purchase a one year license for $US2,000.
To use OzPlayer on your own site, either sign up for the free version or buy a commercial license.
And as a special treat, here’s our Chief Morale Officer Annie Wild: