AccessibilityOz is teaming up with CommonLook to provide a series of free webinars on accessibility, covering Social Media accessibility, Document accessibility, Mobile accessibility and PDF accessibility!
Using Social Media Accessibility Features

Webinar on Tuesday, July 28th
Although social media has its accessibility problems, there are a variety of accessibility features built into various social media networks. Our CEO Gian Wild will go through how to add ALT attributes to images, turn off autoplay and how to use other accessibility features in social media on both PCs and mobile devices.
Register for this free webinar on Tuesday, July 28 at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM ET.
What Makes a Document Accessible and Standards-Compliant?

Webinar on Tuesday, August 4th
CommonLook’s Director of Training Paul Rayius takes you on a deep dive into the elements and checkpoints that makes a PDF document accessible and standards-compliant. This webinar explores:
- How compliant you have to be
- Accessibility beyond tagging
- Proving compliance
- Examining various degrees of accessibility
- Providing compliance
- Questions and answers
How to Test the Accessibility of Your Mobile Websites and Apps

Webinar on Tuesday, August 11th
Mobile accessibility is very different from web accessibility. Gian Will cover how to test for mobile accessibility and the unique accessibility issues on mobile sites and apps, including hover traps, VoiceOver swipe traps and zoom traps.
Register for this free webinar on Tuesday, August 11 at 1:00 PM PT / 4:00 PM ET.
Testing PDFs for Accessibility and Standards Conformance

Webinar on Tuesday, August 18th
Paul Rayius demonstrates how CommonLook PDF Validator (a free tool) or CommonLook PDF can generate verification reports for the accessibility standards for your organization.This webinar will discuss:
- How compliant you should be
- What testing tools should you use
- A closer look at CommonLook solutions
- Questions and answers