AccessibilityOz is turning 12!

Colorful balloons against a cloudy sky

This month, AccessibilityOz celebrates its 12th birthday! We’re just as busy as ever, and we’d love for you to join us at some of the conferences we’ll be attending over the next few weeks.

Our CEO, Gian, will be speaking on the Mobile Site and Native App Accessibility Testing Guidelines at Midwest Drupal Camp and John Slatin AccessU. Next is a presentation on social media accessibility at The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference in the Asia-Pacific (AITCAP) and how to create an accessible site at DeveloperWeek Management (grab a free OPEN Pass to the event!).

Free-to-use accessibility resources!

Accessibility Basics

We have a webinar on Accessibility Basics and a two-part associated article if you prefer reading to watching videos, like our CEO!

Mobile Accessibility Guidelines

The ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium’s Mobile Site and Native App Testing Guidelines are available on our website (also linked from the ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium’s website). You can watch a webinar about the guidelines.

Accessibility Factsheets (for developers and testers)

Our Accessibility Factsheets are available under Creative Commons, so you can download them and incorporate them into your own accessibility standards.

Developer Videos

We developed a series of 5-minute videos aimed at developers on the topics of HTML, Forms and ARIA, such as Source Order vs Display Order vs Keyboard Focus Order, Accessible session timeout and How not to use ARIA. These are also available under Creative Commons so you can download and use them as you like.


We have a series of in-depth articles, the most recent being The five stages of grief, AKA accepting accessibility about vendor reactions to accessibility requests. Check out our comprehensive articles on screen reader accessibility, written by our resident expert, Rafal Charlampowicz. He has also written a variety of other articles such as But what does she look like? A commentary on subpar audio descriptions, The importance of captioning and Shopping for a smart device as a blind person. For other social awareness information about people with disabilities, have a look at our articles on What’s wrong with having a separate site for people with disabilities and Communicating with People with Disabilities.

A11y Voices Interviews

Recently, we have been interviewing accessibility experts. Hear from Sheri Byrne-Haber, Terrill Thompson, Ricardo García Bahamonde and Chris Law. Gian Wild, our CEO, was recently interviewed for the WITS conference, too.

We also have a huge range of webinars available, our most popular being How to read a VPAT and How to determine if a product is accessible.

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