

General web accessibility

The five stages of grief, AKA accepting accessibility (2022)

Communicating with People with Disabilities (2021)

Accessibility Basics Part 1: Overview of accessibility (2021)

Accessibility Basics Part 2: WCAG (2021)

What’s wrong with having a separate site for people with disabilities (2018)

Accessibility during the build of a web site

Prioritising web accessibility during the build of a web site (2014)

Cognitive Disabilities accessibility

The needs of people with cognitive disabilities (2024)


CAPTCHA: Inaccessible to Everyone (2013)

CAPTCHA: How to do it right (ie. don’t use CAPTCHA!) (2014)

Design and accessibility

Design and accessibility: Use of colour (2014)

Images and accessibility

Making sure Alternative Text isn’t an afterthought – PEATworks (2016)

Accessibility Principles for Images – PEATworks (2016)

The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: The Wonderful World of ALT Attributes (2012)

The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: When Not to Use ALT Attributes (2011)

Interactive maps and accessibility

Did someone say map? Making interactive maps accessible (2014)

Making Accessible Links: 15 Golden Rules For Developers (2014)

Mobile accessibility

Mobile Site and Native App Accessibility Testing articles (2020)

iOS Voice Control saves the day! (2022)

Shopping for a smart device as a blind person (2021)

Low Vision: mobile adaption on iPhone (2016)

Mobile accessibility fails: Do we need a WCAG3? (2015)

Screen reader accessibility

The trouble with blind dates: screen readers and date formatting (2021)

“Meet our team” or “Go to event” – a problem with headings (2020)

HTML5 sectioning elements and screen readers (2020)

Accessibility issues with Firefox Quantum and screen readers (2018)


The Unbearable Inaccessibility of Slideshows (2015)

Social media accessibility

Social media accessibility features (2020)

Social Media Accessibility: Turning Off Autoplay (2020)

Overview of social media accessibility (2019)

Social media screen reader accessibility compliance testing (2019)

Social media and alternative text features by a blind person (2019)

Tables and forms

Table Accessibility Principles – PEATworks (2016)

The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: Information Relationships (2011)


Navigation Through the Nations: Transit Using Zoom (2017)

Navigation Through the Nations: Expedia (2017)

Navigation Through the Nations: Edmonton, Canada (2017)

Navigation Through the Nations: Perth, Western Australia (2016)

Navigation Through the Nations: a Travel Toolbox (2016)

Navigation Through the Nations: Introduction (2016)

US Department of Transport Rule for Web Accessibility in Air Travel (2015)


But what does she look like? A commentary on subpar audio descriptions (2022)

The importance of captioning (2020)

Video Player testing results article and matrix (2018)

Video Accessibility Principles – PEATworks (2016)

8 steps to Creating Accessible Video (2014)


How to read a VPAT (2019)


We should be celebrating our victories (2014)

The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: An Introduction (2011)