Developer checklist

The following checklists are intended to guide developers on the implementation of success criterion for tables. The checklists should be used during the development phase to ensure WCAG 2.0 compliance of all tables on the site and should form part of the unit testing phase undergone by developers when updating or creating new content or functionality.

Level A – Data tables

Data tables are used correctly


Empty tables are not used

Correct example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities" Caption="Temperature comparison by city">
Incorrect example(s)
<table> </table>


Excessive nesting of tables is avoided

Correct example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum day and nightly temperatures for Australian state capital cities" Caption="Day and night temperature comparison by city">
  <th id="city">City rowspan="2"</th>
  <th id="min">Minimum temperature</th>
  <th id="max">Maximum temperature</th>
  <th headers="min" id="dayn">Day</th>
  <th headers="min" id="nightn">Night</th>
  <th headers="max"id="dayx">Day</th>
  <th headers="max"id="nightx">Night</th>
  <th headers="city"id="city1">Melbourne</th>
  <td headers="city1 min dayn">10</td>
  <td headers="city1 min nightn">5</td>
  <td headers="city1 max dayn">16</td>
  <td headers="city1 max nightn">10</td>
  <th headers="city"id="city2">Sydney</th>
  <td headers="city2 min dayn">15</td>
  <td headers="city2 min nightn">10</td>
  <td headers="city2 max dayn">21</td>
  <td headers="city2 max nightn">13</td>
Incorrect example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum day and nightly temperatures for Australian state capital cities"Caption="Day and night temperature comparison by city">
  <th>Minimum temperature</th>
  <th>Maximum temperature</th>

Data tables are coded correctly


Simple data tables are coded with header (TH) cells

Correct example(s)
Incorrect example(s)


Data table header (TH) cells contain content (i.e. are not empty)

Correct example(s)
Incorrect example(s)
<tr><th> </th><th>Min</th><th>Max</th></tr>


Data table header (TH) cells are descriptive

Correct example(s)
<tr><th>City</th><th>Minimum temperature</th><th>Maximum temperature</th></tr>
Incorrect example(s)

TBL_A3i: Data tables have a SUMMARY

Data tables are coded with a SUMMARY attribute

Correct example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
Incorrect example(s)


The data table SUMMARY attribute is descriptive (i.e. the SUMMARY attribute should summarise the content of the data table)

Correct example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities for today">
Incorrect example(s)
SUMMARY is not descriptive
<table summary="City temperatures"
SUMMARY is empty
<table summary=" "> 

Data tables have a CAPTION


Data tables are coded with a CAPTION element

Correct example(s)
<caption>City temperatures</caption>
Incorrect example(s)
Missing <caption>


The data table CAPTION is descriptive (i.e. the CAPTION element should name the data table)

Correct example(s)
<caption>Temperature comparison by city</caption>
Incorrect example(s)
CAPTION is not descriptive
CAPTION is empty


The data table CAPTION is different to the SUMMARY

Correct example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
<caption>Temperature comparison by city</caption>
Incorrect example(s)
<table summary="Temperature comparison by city">
<caption>Temperature comparison by city</caption>


All rows in the data table contain information (i.e. there should be no empty rows)

Correct example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
<Caption>Temperature comparison by city></caption>
  <th>Minimum temperature</th>
  <th>Maximum temperature</th>
Incorrect example(s)
<table summary="Minimum and maximum temperatures for Australian state capital cities">
<caption>Temperature comparison by city></caption>
  <th>Minimum temperature</th>
  <th>Maximum temperature</th>

Complex tables are coded correctly


Complex data tables are coded with TH ID and TD HEADERS.

Example Table coded correctly. Table shows the maximum and minimum daytime and nighttime temperatures of Melbourne and Sydney.Correct example(s)
  <th id="city" rowspan="2">City</th>
  <th id="min">Minimum temperature</th>
  <th id="max">Maximum temperature</th>
  <th headers="min" id="dayn">Day</th>
  <th headers="min" id="nightn">Night</th>
  <th headers="max" id="dayx">Day</th>
  <th headers="max" id="nightx">Night</th>
  <th headers="city" id="city1">Melbourne</th>
  <td headers="city city1 min dayn">10</td>
  <td headers="city city1 min nightn">5</td>
  <td headers="city city1 max dayn">16</td>
  <td headers="city city1 max nightn">10</td>
  <th headers="city" id="city2">Sydney</th>
  <td headers="city city2 min dayn">15</td>
  <td headers="city city2 min nightn">10</td>
  <td headers="city city2 max dayn">21</td>
  <td headers="city city2 max nightn">13</td>
Incorrect example(s)
  <th rowspan="2">City</th>
  <th>Minimum temperature</th>
  <th>Maximum temperature</th>

Complex tables can be understood


Complex data tables are supported by additional explanatory information within the page content

Example: complex data table with additional explanationCorrect example(s)
<table class="scheduleprice" summary="This table is used to assist in the layout to display sport schedules and prices.">…
Incorrect example(s)
 <table class="scheduleprice" summary="This table is used to display sport schedules and prices.">…

Table content is distinguishable


Supplementary formatting or information is provided in addition to colour and/or shape and/or shading

Correct example(s)
Correct Example of Table content distinguishable. "The longest day, Sunday July 21st, is shaded in blue."
Incorrect example(s)
Incorrect Example of Table content distinguishable. "The longest day is shaded in blue."

Level A – Layout tables

Layout tables are used appropriately


Tables are not used in preference to MathML to present equations

Correct example(s)
Equation: 2 plus the square root of x plus 1. is coded:
Incorrect example(s)
2+/ x+1
  <td>/ x+1</td>


Layout tables must have more than one cell

Correct example(s)
<p>Melbourne is the State capital of Victoria</p>
Incorrect example(s)
  <td>Melbourne is the State capital of Victoria</td>

Layout tables are coded correctly


Layout tables are not coded with a SUMMARY attribute

Correct example(s)
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Incorrect example(s)
<table summary="State capitals">
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>


Layout tables are not coded with a CAPTION element

Correct example(s)
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Incorrect example(s)
<caption>State capitals</caption>
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>


Layout tables do not have table headers: TH

Correct example(s)
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Incorrect example(s)
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>


Layout tables used to present textual content are in meaningful sequence i.e. make sense when read cell to cell from left to right

Correct example(s)
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>
Incorrect example(s)
  <td>State capital of Victoria</td>
  <td>State capital of New South Wales</td>

Level AA

Colour Contrast

TBL_AA1: Colour contrast

Colour contrast within table content is sufficient

Correct example(s)
Correct example for Table colour contrast. Black text on white.
Incorrect example(s)
Incorrect example for Table colour contrast. Gray text on white.