Mobile testing results (2018)



OzPlayer Passed all non-interference clauses in WCAG2 but failed other testsPlyr Passed all non-interference clauses in WCAG2 but failed other testsAblePlayer Passed all non-interference clauses in WCAG2 but failed other testsJWPlayer Passed all non-interference clauses in WCAG2 but failed other testsKaltura Failed a non-interference clause in WCAG2MediaSite Failed a non-interference clause in WCAG2YouTube Embed Failed a non-interference clause in WCAG2
No auto-playPassPassPassPassPassPassPass
No trapPassPassPassPassFailPassFail
Able to play and pause videoPassPassPassPassPassFailPass
Video volume can be modifiedFailPassFailFail
Colour alone is not usedPassFailFailFail
Colour contrast is sufficientPassPassFailFail
Transcript supportedPassPassPassPass
Easy to access transcriptPassPassPassPass
Captions supportedPassPassPassPass
Easy-to-access captionsPassPassFailPass
Captions colour contrast is sufficientPassPassPassPass
Audio descriptions
Audio descriptionsFailFailPassFail
Operates in landscape modePassPassPassPass
Pinch zoomPassPassPassPass


We tested the remaining seven video players Google Pixel 1, Android 8.0, Chrome and iPhone 7+, iOS 10.3.2, Safari. A series of tests were undertaken including whether the mobile video player supported captions and / or audio descriptions, whether the volume of the video player could be modified and whether color contrast was sufficient. A video player was deemed to include a showstopper if any of the following occurred: Three video players: Kaltura, MediaSite and YouTube contained embedded show-stoppers. The remaining four video players were: AblePlayer; JW Player; OzPlayer; and Plyr.