Screen reader View Firefox extension
AccessibilityOz has developed a Firefox extension to mimic what a screen reader reads aloud. The extension removes all styles and re-applies display:none, visibility:hidden and aria-hidden=true, as this content is also hidden from screen readers. In addition, it renders visible all content that is aimed at a screen reader.
For example, the AccessibilityOz site uses hidden structural labels in the main navigation.
Normally, the AccessibilityOz site looks like this, with skip links, Search, Login and main navigation.
![AccessibilityOz homepage navigation bar, with the "About" drop-down menu opened, reading the link titles: Meet our executive team, Our clients, Example Projects, Testimonials and Conferences.](
With the Screen reader View extension applied the structural labels prior to each navigation item is visible, as is the more descriptive Search label.
![AccessibilityOz homepage navigation with style sheets off. Navigation and drop-down menu items are displayed in a bulleted list.](